April 24, 2012

day three-hundred-and-fifty-eight - kentish plover

i got humiliated in a science prac today so i went to the zoo to feel better. and there i learned that plovers (specifically hooded plovers) are in trouble. how fortuitous that my drawing today is a plover, i thought, ignoring the fact that it was the wrong plover

and then i let a cockatoo try to tongue my bag (and jumper). it was awesome

© jem barratt

- like this picture please
- save some (other) plovers
- and go find a cockatoo to befriend

then you'll be just like meeeeeeeee

lucky you. xj

1 comment:

  1. I like that Plover sounds like Pullover and that there are Hooded Plovers and also hooded pullovers.

    that is all.
